Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 16

Today I decided to skip my nephew's 2nd birthday party though I really wanted to go.  I just felt trying to talk over all those kids would not be good for my jaw.  Brian and the kids went and they had a great time.  They stayed awhile so I could have a break.  I decided to head to the gym.  Yep, it's been way too long.  I usually work out 5-6 times per week so not working out for 2 weeks has been tough.  I took it slow and just walked and did the sit down bike.  My energy level has been low and I'm so weak that I thought I would try to build up my stamina.  I headed to Starbucks on my way home.  And when I taste the coffee, I can't stand it!  Yuk!  No more nonfat no whip mochas for me!  New taste buds I guess.  Then I came back to the house, had soup, took a shower and rested.  My jaw is actually more sore now than before.  I guess because of the talking and the feeling coming back.  Then after watching HGTV holiday decorating shows I decided to head to Hobby Lobby and buy some decor of my own.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I can't believe that you are back at the gym already. Gives me MAJOR hope that I can get back way sooner than I thought!! I've been working out almost daily trying to prepare myself for February but I figured it would be a good 6 weeks before I could make it back there!
