Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 13

So my arm was hurting really bad again this morning. I called my surgeon's office and he got on the phone. He asked me to go to the ER where I had my surgery since they had all my info. He wanted them to do an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't a clot. I told him it was probably muscular because I couldn't straighten my arm and had trouble doing fine motor things like opening pill bottles. He insisted so I went. Everything turned out okay except the pain is still there. They gave me some new medications so hopefully they will help. We will see...


  1. Hey Christi,
    your blog is amazing, it sure is a help especially for me only couple of days away from surgery

    how much were ur jaws moved? also, would you do it again?

    swelling seems to have gone down alot...hope things get better for u in these upcoming days..=D
    -best of luck

  2. Thanks! Blogs helped me too. I can't remember how much my jaws were moved. I will ask my surgeon when I see him on Tuesday. I think they said 5 mm forward on the bottom and 3 mm on the back of my upper jaw and 5 on the front of my upper jaw. My upper jaw was angled downard to compensate for my lower jaw so they had to move the front part more than the back.

    I would do it again though I am still adjusting to the new me. The recovery hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I also had a genioplasty (chin job) and turbinectomy. Good luck with your surgery and keep me posted!
