Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Questions for the Surgeon...

Here are the questions I asked my surgeon. I did my best to remember what he said.

1. How long will my surgery be? app. 6 hours

2. How long on liquids? I think he said at least a week and then we will see how you're doing.

3. Worried about being able to breathe with my allergies. And I freaked out when I woke up after sinus surgery, is there anything we can do to help this? You will feel really stuffy for the first 24 hours. But we will monitor that and the nurses will be there to help. We can give you something to relax you but don't worry if you freak out. Recovery room nurses will tell you it's like an insane asylum sometimes.

4. Will I have visible incisions? Yes small ones on either side. Will look like zits and then fade away.

5. Will I throw up? Maybe. We will give you medication for this. If you feel nauseated for some time you will probably throw up. It comes on gradually not all of a sudden. But don't worry just let it come out. We will also put a tube down your stomach to empty it before you wake up. This should help as well.

6. When can I exercise again? Light walking after 1 week but running or cardio at least a month if not longer.

7. How long in hospital? A couple of days.

8. How to keep teeth clean? A baby toothbrush will help at the beginning. You won't be able to get it really clean and with the splint it will be gross.

9. On some blogs, people recommend liquid B12, Bromelain and an iron supplement. Can I take those? Sure, they won't interfere with your medication. I don't think you need an iron supplement because your blood tests were excellent.

10. Wired or bands? Bands and you will be able to open a little bit.

11. How long before I get feeling back in my face? It depends. Some people start to get feeling back right away. Some may take weeks, 6 months or even a year.

12. What should my husband watch for and when should he call you? Elevated fever, signs of infection like pus and especially if there is bright red blood coming out of your nose I need to know right away. You will have some rusty red blood but if it's bright red, call me.

13. Do I need to floss and rinse before? Yes, clean as good as you can.


  1. AAHH - Good luck Christi! We'll be praying for you!

  2. Good Luck, I'll be thinking about you lots! Audrey is already planning her get well cards and having Maddie and her Mimi (and Chase) over as much as they want when they get back in town. I'll check here for updates and will expect to hear from you (via or email/text) or your mom after Thanksgiving for ways to help.

    Happy waking-up-from-anesthesia thoughts for tomorrow!

  3. Christi!!! I'll have to figure out how this blog stuff works, so here goes! I can't believe that the surgery time is here. You're in our prayers as you prepare for this major step - I hope tomorrow goes smoothly and you're in recovery quickly. Janet and I will take good care of Chase and Maddie and bring them back home soon - at least before they can drive! Sweet dreams tonight, and I hope that Chocolate Molten Dessert was yummy - Love, Kathy
